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Trusting in God

Dyfan Graves

Have you latched onto the Traitors phenomenon yet? I can barely get through a week without hearing some reference to that hit TV show. I must admit I haven’t watched an entire episode yet; but for those now in the know it’s very much like a game I grew up playing called Mafia/werewolf. Out of the group 2-4 are picked to be secret Mafia/werewolves and their job is to ‘kill’ the rest without getting caught. Everyone else’s job is to figure out and capture them before it’s too late. It’s a thrilling game with enough exciting twists and turns to warrant its own TV show, for sure.

At its core the game draws on cynicism, suspicion and lack of trust. You can’t depend too much on others as they may end up stabbing you in the back. Trust others at your peril. What ulterior motives might they have? What ulterior motives might you have to stay in the game? 

I think this reveals a lot about us. For many if not all of us the central theme of the game around trust is something we struggle with, if we are honest to ourselves. How many of us trust the government? Only 27% of us do according to the Office of National Statistics*, apparently among the lowest in the world. This mistrust by some extends to other organisations in positions of authority, such as the police, our workplace, the NHS, the Church. This pandemic rise of mistrust reaches to our own friendships and relationship. One UK survey reported that a quarter UK adults mistrust others.**

When completely honest, how many of us trust in ourselves, or see ourselves as trustworthy people? We may have good reasons causing us to struggle with trust.

Me showing immense trust in my ladder during a construction project
Me showing immense trust in my ladder during a construction project

If you find trusting others a struggle, take encouragement from what the Bible says about Trust. Take Proverbs 3:5-6 for example: 

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Friend, you can trust in God. You can trust in Him because he is your creator. You can trust in Him because he is sovereign. You can trust in Him because he is good. You can trust in Him because he died for you. You can trust in Him because he commands our destiny. You can trust in Him because no power in heaven, on earth or in hell can separate us from his love. (See Romans 8:38-39). All he asks is one simple thing from you: Trust in Him.

We may not always be able to put our trust in those in authority, nor always in those around us, nor even ourselves. Self-interest, distraction, disappointment break that trust all too often. But you can trust in God, even when things don’t make sense, even when life is hard, and when all is well. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He loves us more than we ever can, he has a plan more perfect and complete than we can ever comprehend this side of eternity. All I’m saying is it’s worth it. Take that step. Don’t give up, because he will never give up on you.

“God is too wise to be mistaken

God is too good to be unkind

So when you don't understand

When you don't see His plan

When you can't trace His hand

Trust His Heart” 

Trust His Heart by Babbie Mason

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