Church Life
Life Groups
A mid-week opportunity to connect with Freedom Church, grow in friendships and grow in faith together.
A typical Life Group includes time of friendship, looking at the Bible and prayer.
Finding home with us is even better when you're part of a Life Group.
We've got new groups starting termly throughout 2024 and you can sign up now on the link below
Friday Evening Youth Group
Freedom Generation Youth
Open to all youth in school years 7 & 8.
Come along on Friday evenings, 6:30-8:00pm at Waunfawr Hall, Brynceinion, SY23 3PN.
There'll be lots of fun, including games, milkshakes, toasties and tuck shop. 50p entry.
Fridays for Autumn/Winter 2024
06/09, 20/09,
04/10, 18/10,
15/11, 29/11,
Any questions get in touch with us on
Messy Church Goes Wild
A Sunday afternoon outdoors for all the family from 2:00pm - 3:30pm.
With fun, celebration & food. We recommend brining wellies and waterproofs to maximise fun in colder months, as we enjoy the outdoors and God's creation together.
Upcoming dates are Sundays 14th July, 25th August, 15th September.
Email to register for updates
These Messy Church Goes Wild events are instead of our usual 4pm Sunday meetings.
Welcome Students
Croeso Students of Aberystwyth.
We want to help you feel at home in Aber, therefore lots of things we do together involves food and feeling part of the family.
Check out our regular events such as Life Groups, Trudge, and Messy Church Goes Wild, or come and say hi on a Sunday. You and your friends are always welcome!
We've got other fun events being planned for 2024, after the successes of our annual 'Let us buy you a coffee' and quiz night.
Make sure you're following our Socials @freedomchurchwales to hear the details first and visit this page for more
Trudge Walking Group
Our new monthly walking group 'Trudge' has started and we'd love you to join us. Come along to make friends and stretch your legs, enjoying the great outdoors.
Walks will be once a month on Saturday afternoons and vary in length and walking level.
There will be something for everyone!
The next walk on Saturday 14th September, will be a looped 4 mile walk around Penrhyncoch exploring hill, fields and track. Finishing up with refreshments.
We'll be meeting at Glan Seilo at 2:00PM.
Register for updates and let us know you're coming for the next walk by emailing
Future walk locations and times will be announced a week in advance, so keep an eye out on the website, social media or the church announcements.
We look forward to walking together, click the button below to save all the summer dates now.